For your viewing pleasure, here's an example AIPS script. What the script does is calibrate a VLA continuum data set (including polarization). Note that this script is NOT guaranteed to work for YOUR data! DO NOT USE THIS SCRIPT BLINDLY. I am posting this as an example of AIPS scripting, not as an example of how to reduce data.
See below the cut for the code.
* REDUCE.099
* Purpose: a set of routines designed to aid in the calibration process. Note that
* these procedures use stuff in VLAPROCS. RUN VLAPROCS before running
* routines in this file.
* NOTES on Run Files with AIPS:
* AIPS is stupid, so indenting stuff with tab characters causes AIPS to
* barf on a run file.
* To run a RUNFILE, create an environment variable in your shell with the
* directory where the runfile is. Name the runfile with something short
* ending in .099 (user number in hex; use EHEX in AIPS to find). In AIPS,
* change your version to version='myvlar080705'. Caution: you don't want
* any of your routine names or values to be the same as something already
* in AIPS. For example, naming a routine CLCAL will cause AIPS to use your
* CLCAL routine rather than the actual CLCAL routine. You read in your
* runfile with 'RUN reduce.099'. Changed the file and need to run again?
* Then just do RUN reduce.099 again. Note that AIPS doesn't get rid of
* the first instance of RUN reduce.099 in memory, so you need to use
* COMPRESS periodically to get rid of old reduce.099 stuff. COMPRESS also
* helps when you have issues after redefining variables etc. To nuke a
* procedure from the procedures list (help procs to see), use scratch.
* The procedure still takes up memory however until you run a compress. I
* haven't figured out how to get rid of old adverbs.
* Getting errors that say 'AIPS: SYMBOL?' means that POPS (the scripting
* language) doesn't recognize the command. Try help popsym to get a list
* of the commands available to you.
* 'TXTMAT: NO MEMBER NAME GIVEN' means that you should make sure there's
* procedure in the memory of AIPS.
* Note that the read command expects single quotes about whatever you
* enter on the keyboard. Respond 'Y' rather than Y to any prompts.
* Make sure that the last line of the file is empty otherwise the last
* line of the program will not be read.
* Date Programmer Description of Changes
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3/21/06 A.A. Kepley Original Code
* 3/23/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for new 12/05/05 dataset
* 9/12/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for use with AM694 dataset
* 2/09/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for use with AM643 dataset
* ======================================================================
proc dreduceme
* Purpose: dummy procedure to create variables used later
* Inputs: none
* Outputs: none
* Method: none
* Date Programmer Description of Changes
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3/21/06 A.A. Kepley Original Code
* 3/23/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for new 12/05/05 dataset
string*8 pri_cal $ name of primary calibrator.
string*8 sec_cal $ name of secondary calibrator. Also
$ used to calibrate the instrumental
$ polarization response.
string*8 obj_name(15) $ name of object (maybe more than 1).
scalar nobj $ number of objects
string*50 myoutname $ name of output file for various
$ tasks.
string*15 dataprefix $ what data set I'm reducing.
scalar myrefant $ reference antenna (1-29).
string*8 myprompt $ prompt value.
scalar polangle $ polarization angle
array pri_uvr(2) $ set uvrange for primary calibrator
array sec_uvr(2) $ set uvrange for secondary calibrators
scalar mysolint $ set my solution interval
scalar mypsolint $ set my solution interval for my polarization
* ======================================================================
proc reduceme
* Purpose: Main calibration routine. This routine pretty thoroughly clobbers
* your AIPS environment you might want to do a save at the command
* line so you can go back to the way things were (using get)
* Inputs: The user needs to change the values for INNAME, INCLASS, INSEQ,
* each data set. .
* Outputs: calibrated data set with final calibration table in CL 3 and
* gain and phase calibration table in CL 2. This task also produces a
* number of files in order to check on the calibration in your main home
* directory. If you run reduceme several times, the information from the
* later runs will be appended to the files. The files also include the
* task input parameters used to run the tasks. The files are named with
* the data set you are reducing, the object name, and the task which was
* run.
* Method: This calibration routine is for single channel continuum calibration
* including polarization calibration. It follows the procedures in
* Chapter 4 of the 31DEC05 version of the AIPS Cookbook closely.
* It uses the old method of calibrating the primary flux calibrator
* uv limits rather than a model of the source.
* Date Programmer Description of Changes
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3/21/06 A.A. Kepley Original Code
* 3/23/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for new 12/05/05 dataset
* 9/12/06 A.A. Kepley Modified for AM694_1 dataset
* 2/09/07 A.A. Kepley Modified for AM643_1 dataset
* cleaning things up.
dowait true
default getjy
default setjy
default calib
default clcal
default listr
default pcal
default rldif
default clcor
* input file to calibrate
INNAME 'AM643_1 ' $ Input image name (name)
INCLASS 'X BAND' $ Input image name (class)
INSEQ 1 $ Input image name (seq. #)
INDISK 1 $ Input image disk unit #
* primary, secondary calibrator, and object to calibrate
pri_cal = '0521+166'
sec_cal = '0244+624'
obj_name = 'N1569',''
* Other defaults for calibration
nobj = 1
dataprefix = 'AM643_1.'
myrefant = 5
flagver 1
pri_uvr = 0,45 $ since the data are all less than 20 klamdba
sec_uvr = 0,0 $ this isn't too important
polangle = -20
mysolint = 0.0
mypsolint = 1.0
* Run setjy to find the flux value for the primary calibrator
prtask 'SETJY' $ clearing out the results
clrmsg $ of previous runs of setjy.
task 'SETJY'
sources pri_cal,''
optype 'calc'
calcode ''
freqid 1
aparm 0
* Save the results of the setjy run
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.SETJY'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'AIPS'
inputs setjy $ printing out the setjy inputs
prtask 'setjy' $ printing out the setjy results
* Run VLACALIB on the primary calibrator
* calsour pri_cal,''
* calcode ''
* uvrange pri_uvr
* refant myrefant
* snver 1
* minamper 10
* minphser 10
* docalib false
* gainuse 0
* doprint 1
* myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.CALIB'
* outprint myoutname
* vlacalib
* Run VLACALIB on the secondary calibrator
* calsour sec_cal,''
* calcode ''
* uvrange sec_uvr
* refant myrefant
* snver 1
* minamper 10
* minphser 10
* doprint 1
* myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.CALIB'
* outprint myoutname
* vlacalib
* Run CALIB on the primary calibrator
prtask 'CALIB'
task 'CALIB'
calsour pri_cal,''
calcode ''
bchan 1
echan 0
antennas 0
uvrange pri_uvr
weightit 0
snver 1
minamper 10
minphser 10
docalib false
refant myrefant
gainuse 0
dopol false
doband false
solint mysolint
solsub 0
solmin 0
soltype ''
aparm 4,0
aparm(6) 2
solmode 'A&P'
cparm 0, 0, minamper/10, minphser/10, 1, 0
* Save results of CALIB run
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.CALIB'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'AIPS'
inputs calib
prtask 'calib'
* Run CALIB on the secondary calibrator
prtask 'CALIB'
task 'CALIB'
calsour sec_cal,''
calcode ''
bchan 1
echan 0
antennas 0
uvrange sec_uvr
weightit 0
snver 1
minamper 10
minphser 10
docalib false
refant myrefant
gainuse 0
dopol false
doband false
solint mysolint
solsub 0
solmin 0
soltype ''
aparm 4,0
aparm(6) 2
solmode 'A&P'
cparm 0, 0, minamper/10, minphser/10, 1, 0
* Save results of CALIB run
myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.CALIB'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'AIPS'
inputs calib
prtask 'calib'
* Transfering the flux density scale determined by the primary calibrator
* to the secondary calibrator and the polarization angle calibrator
prtask 'getjy'
task 'getjy'
sources sec_cal,''
soucode ''
calsour pri_cal,''
calcode ''
bif 1; eif 2
freqid 1
snver 1
* Save the results of the setjy run
myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.GETJY'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'aips'
inputs getjy
prtask 'getjy'
* Applying the gain and phase solutions from the secondary calibrator to the data
prtask 'clcal'
task 'clcal'
sources sec_cal, obj_name, ''
soucode ''
calsour sec_cal,''
calcode ''
opcode 'cali'
interpol '2pt'
doblank 1
dobtween 0
snver 1
gainver 1
gainuse 2
refant myrefant
* Save the results of the calib run
myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.CLCAL'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'aips'
inputs clcal
prtask 'clcal'
* Applying the gain and phase solutions from the primary calibrator to the
* primary calibrator
prtask 'clcal'
task 'clcal'
sources pri_cal,''
soucode ''
calsour pri_cal,''
calcode ''
opcode 'cali'
interpol '2pt'
doblank 1
dobtween 0
snver 1
gainver 1
gainuse 2
refant myrefant
* Save the results of the calib run
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.CLCAL'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'aips'
inputs clcal
prtask 'clcal'
* looking at the results of the gain and phase calibration
task 'listr'
optype 'matx'
sources pri_cal,''
uvrange pri_uvr
calcode ''
stokes ''
freqid 1
bif 1; eif 1
docalib 2
gainuse 2
dparm 5, 1, 0 $ plot scalar averaged amp+phase
docrt false
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.GPCALRES'
outprint myoutname
bif 2; eif 2
task 'listr'
optype 'matx'
sources sec_cal,''
uvrange sec_uvr
calcode ''
stokes ''
freqid 1
bif 1; eif 1
docalib 2
gainuse 2
dparm 5, 1, 0 $ plot scalar averaged amp+phase
docrt false
myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.GPCALRES'
outprint myoutname
bif 2; eif 2
bif 1; eif 2
* prompting to see if I want to do polarization calibration
print 'Do polarization calibration (Y/N)?'
read myprompt
if myprompt = 'N' then
* Calibrating the instrumental polarization
prtask 'pcal'
task 'pcal'
calsour sec_cal,''
docalib 2
gainuse 2
solint mypsolint
soltype 'appr'
prtlev 1
bparm 0
cparm 0
* Save the results of the pcal run
myoutname dataprefix !! sec_cal !! '.PCAL'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'aips'
inputs pcal
prtask 'pcal'
* calibrate the absolute phase angle using either 3C286 (1331+305) or
* 3C138 (0521+166)
prtask 'rldif'
task 'rldif'
sources pri_cal,''
uvrange pri_uvr
docalib 2
gainuse 2
dopol true
docrt false
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.RLDIF'
outprint myoutname
* changing RLdif output to a phase offset correction
* I've changed the following (9/12/06) so that the polarization angle is set
* earlier in the program depending on what polarization angle source is used.
for i = 1:2
clcorprm(i) = polangle - clcorprm(i)
print 'finish clcorprm'
* applying the polarization corrections to the data
prtask 'clcor'
task 'clcor'
sources ''
stokes 'L'
gainver 2
gainuse 3
opcode 'polr'
* saving the results of the clcor run
myoutname dataprefix !! obj_name(1) !! '.CLCOR'
docrt false
outprint myoutname
prtask 'aips'
inputs clcor
prtask 'clcor'
* checking the polarization calibration
task 'rldif'
sources pri_cal, sec_cal,''
uvrange pri_uvr
freqid 1
bif 1; eif 2
docalib 2
gainuse 3
dopol 1
docrt false
myoutname dataprefix !! pri_cal !! '.PCALRES'
outprint myoutname
* ======================================================================
proc killcal
* Purpose: clean up old calibration to run new calibration.
* Inputs: none
* Outputs: deletes all CL tables except CL 1 and all SN tables.
* Method: none
* Date Programmer Description of Changes
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3/21/06 A.A. Kepley Original Code
inext 'sn'
invers -1
return; finish
* ======================================================================
proc test
* Purpose: test stuff
print 'Y or N'
read myprompt
print myprompt
if myprompt = 'Y' then
print 'Yay for Yes!'
print 'Boo for no!'
print 'hello world'
return; finish
* ======================================================================
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
AIPS Scripting Example Sans Commentary
Posted by amanda at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: scripting
AIPS Scripting: Progress Update
From reader Bruce:
This scripting stuff is very useful, but I can't find scripting AIPS #3 and etc. Is it out there?
I have lots of files to input, run sdgrid on, then write out. I have no idea how I could go about making sure stuff gets in the right slot to work for any given task.
The short answer is that I haven't gotten around to writing it yet. (thesis) I'll put it on my to-do list for my observing run next month. It's a good task for 2 in the morning. I'll post an example script without commentary, in case some one would find it useful.
The slightly longer answer is that you don't need to worry about catalog slots. Instead of dealing with stuff through the getn mechanism, i.e., getn 209, you want to use the actual name of the file (INNAME, INCLASS, INSEQ, INDISK, etc.). That way you know you have the file you want, and don't have to depend on the catalog number always being the same.
Read more!
Posted by amanda at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: scripting
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